Research Publications

  1. Academic Research Practices in Higher Education Edited Book– UGC HRDC, NEP and Social Sciences Research – An Overview ISBN:978-81-967171-2-5 –UGC CARE LISTED
  2. People and Environment ; Concerns and Challenges in Environmental Sustainability UGC – HRDC,ISBN :978-81-908006-4-8
  3. International Journal of Novel Research and Development, IJNRD, An Analysis of the need for a Sociology of Gender Violence in India,ISSN:2456-4184
  4. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, The Missing Child – A Sociological Analysis of Impact of Online Learning, IJRAR, ISSN -2348-5138
  5. International Journal of Creative Research Thought, IJCRT, A Sociological Analysis of Online Classes in Covid Era,ISSN: 2320-2882
  6. Research Journey – International Multidisciplinary e journal, The Unpresent Presence, A Sociological Analysis of Online Classes in Covid Era,ISSN : 2348-7143
  7. UGC -HRDC – Sustainable Development Goals, Quality Education in India – A Historical Assessment based on UGC Guidelines, ISSN: 978-81-908006
  8. International Journal For Research Education and Scientific Methods, IJREASM, Emerging Demographic Trends, Globalization and Migration – A Socio- economic and Legal Analysis of Human Rights, ISSN: 2455-6211
  9. Global Scientific Journal, GSJ, Sociological Assessment of Effects of Online Sessions in the Pandemic Phase,ISSN:2320-9186
  10. Multidisciplinary Subjects For Research V, Bleeding for Honour : Lived Experiences of Women Undergoing Genital Mutilation among Dawoodi Bohra Community in Kerala, Published in United Kingdom, ISSN:978—1-6671-4352-1
  11. Multidisciplinary Subjects For Research V, Volume -2,Published in Sweden, Sociological Analysis of Criminalization of Foeticide – A Study– ISSN:978—1-6671-4352-1
  12. Multidisciplinary Subjects For Research V, Volume -2,Quality Education in India- An Assessment of UGC Guidelines, Redshine Publishers – ISSN:978—1-6671-4352-1
  13. Res Militaris International Multidisciplinary Social Science Journal, UGC Care, Scopus Q4, Sociological Impact of Polygamy on Women and Children in India: A Critical Appraisal, ISSN :2265-6294
  14. National Education Policy, Concerns and Challenges, Early Childhood Care & Education : A Futuristic Perspective,ISSN:978-51-908004
  15. UGC – HRDC, University of Kerala, Need for a Sociology of Gender Violence in India, ISBN:978-81-908006-7-9
  16. International Journal in Social Sciences, IJHSSI (ISSN 23197722 Q2/ SJR 0.237), Reworking the dynamics of NEP and Social Sciences Research – An Overview, SJR indexed journal, Volume -12,Issue-5,UGC CARE LISTED
  17. Traversing the socio-cultural identity of a water fowl habitat in Ernakulam,
    Kerala, India, Sanjose A. Thomas, Department of Sociology, Sacred Heart College (Autonomous), Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries | 2023 | 11(S1) | pp. 21-22,University of Kerala, INDIA,ISSN 2321–340X –UGC CARE LISTED